Create UNIQUE Filtered Index for NULL Values ​​in Entity Framework

I am trying to create a table with UNIQUE Filtered index for NULL values ​​(e.g. Allow Duplicate Nulls) using Entity Framework.

I am using Fluent API and have this property:

modelBuilder.Entity<Client>().Property(c => c.Barcode)
                new IndexAnnotation(new IndexAttribute("IX_ClientBarcode") { IsUnique = true }));


I found that SQL Server 2008 allows this for unique zero-filtered columns:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX indexName ON tableName(columns) INCLUDE includeColumns WHERE columnName IS NOT NULL


Would it even be possible? As I am using LocalDB.


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1 answer

I don't think this is possible at the moment:

I am going to use the IDatabaseInitializer to add indexes after the database is created using dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand (). Hopefully support will come in a future release.



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