Module% s has open children or related modules. impossible to reboot
I am adding language for my project for Arabic language. When I update the resource Dll, I get the following error in one of the base forms from which all other forms inherit.
I tried setting OldCreateOrder to false for all forms, but the error persists. I tried to search the net for such an error but no luck ....
Does anyone know about this error? BTW I am using Delphi 6 Enterprise version.
Thanks in advance.
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Finally, I solved the problem.
I was unable to find out the reason why the IDE refused to compile my project, but the external translation manager helped.
I forgot to add the DRC file to the translation manager. As a result, my resources were not loading automatically.
For beginners who want to port the application to different languages,
- Open the external translation manager from the Delphi6 \ Bin folder.
- Select the language on the "Environment" tab and on the "Files" tab, select all the files that were used in the project. (Don't forget DRC files)
- Run updates and save the project file with the extension of the selected language.
- Select the strings you want to translate and add them to the repository.
- Translate the required strings.
- Add the project created with ETM to the project group and compile.
- The resource dll file name must match the exe name, but the extension must be language. like xxxx.ARQ for Arab Qatar.
Thanks everyone 1
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