Can I make a summary of only selected data?

I want to select only certain rows and columns and use the same summary response function, but for limited data, not everything. Is it possible?

The report contains ALL DATA from this sheet - I want exactly the same output, but only with specific email addresses.

Google Form:


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4 answers

If I have a google spreadsheet, can I summarize only the selected data?

Yes, but I think your name may be misleading. At first I thought you needed some kind of resume, but now I believe you need the specific format provided by the form> Show Answer Summary and that is completely different.

Is it possible?

Basically, I think not. For example, in Excel, it's easy to avoid chart data by simply hiding it. It doesn't seem to work here. Even deleting the data in the form's answer sheet does not change the summary of the answers.

This is presumably because both the form response sheet and the response summary are different kinds of server-side data. I doubt the user has a code management tool that manages the summary of responses that are collected from individual form submissions (like the data shown in the answer sheet). Views have spawned both sheet and resume, but both are independent of each other.

On the other hand.

As mentioned by @zeroCoder, equivalent results can be obtained by the user, although this would seem to take considerable effort. A script might be required to set the chart type to use for each question by question type (if in order to avoid using ad-hoc, Form by Form). Once the type corresponding to each column has been determined, it would be a little tedious, but not difficult to create the corresponding chart. Correcting formatting, scales, etc. According to the results of the summary answers would also be tedious, but with the script, there would be no need to specifically create for each form individually.

However, I hope I am mistakenly mistaken and it is actually quite easy. I suspect, however, that you have already heard of this.



Another option is to use the Awesome Tables web app. It lets you filter your data (and more). It is available as a gadget on Google sites.



You need to use pivot tables, here are some guides on how to use them:



So this doesn't use the built-in function, but it does the trick.

Take a sheet with all the rows and determine which columns you want to display.

Create a new sheet called preview or whatever.

in the top cell for each column reference a row from the answer sheet like this ={'Form Responses 1'!A:A}

Then click File

> Publish to web

and choose to publish just your preview sheet.

Get your shared link (shorten it if needed).

Only include this URL on your form and presto.

You win!



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