Jquery loop conditional expression

How do I write a conditional statement for a jquery $ .each loop? I tried to follow the guidelines in Is there a conditional loop with $ .each function in jQuery and other posts, however I couldn't get it to work:

$.each((rgJson1["release-groups"]), function(index, item) {  

var workTitle = item.title;
var pType = item['primary-type'];
var frDate = item['first-release-date'];

if (pType = "Album") {





When I tried it, it set the pType variable to Album. So, I tried:

if (item['primary-type'] = "Album") {



But it still didn't work. I've also tried many different combinations of brackets, quotes and the like, but I haven't found a solution.


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1 answer

try the following

if (item['primary-type'] === "Album")



if (pType === "Album")


using just one '=' will set the value, using '===' will check for a match



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