Changing the FlipviewStackPanel virtualization orientation to WP8.1

I want to change the orientation property as shown below:

<Style x:Key="FlipViewStyleV" TargetType="FlipView">
    <Setter Property="ItemsPanel">
                <VirtualizingStackPanel AreScrollSnapPointsRegular="True" Orientation="Vertical" />


And I want this to work, when the device orientation has changed, the orientation property should follow the change as well. But it didn't work when I add a button in the code to change orientation from vertical to horizontal, does anyone know?


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1 answer

It looks like changing a property of an Orientation

object FlipView


doesn't work for some reason. So here's an alternative.

You will need to duplicate yours FlipView

. Could be implemented Vertical


and the other a Horizontal



Define them on the page Resources


    <ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="HorizontalItemsPanel">
        <VirtualizingStackPanel AreScrollSnapPointsRegular="True" Orientation="Horizontal" />
    <ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="VerticalItemsPanel">
        <VirtualizingStackPanel AreScrollSnapPointsRegular="True" Orientation="Vertical" />


Then you will want to use SimpleOrientationSensor

to track the orientation changes of the phone.

private SimpleOrientationSensor _orientationSensor = SimpleOrientationSensor.GetDefault();


After you have subscribed to his event OrientationChanged


 _orientationSensor.OrientationChanged += OrientationSensor_OrientationChanged;


in your callback, just hide and show FlipView


private async void OrientationSensor_OrientationChanged(SimpleOrientationSensor sender, SimpleOrientationSensorOrientationChangedEventArgs args)
    await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
            switch (args.Orientation)
                case SimpleOrientation.NotRotated:
                case SimpleOrientation.Rotated180DegreesCounterclockwise:
                    this.HorizontalFlipView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    this.VerticalFlipView.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                case SimpleOrientation.Rotated90DegreesCounterclockwise:
                case SimpleOrientation.Rotated270DegreesCounterclockwise:
                    this.HorizontalFlipView.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    this.VerticalFlipView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;




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