What is the best way to use MKMapCamera

I found three ways to use MKMapCamera and I want to know which one is the most recommended. My goal is to keep an eye on the user and I want to update the camera every time the location is updated (so every second).


            MKMapCamera *newCamera = [MKMapCamera camera];
            [newCamera setCenterCoordinate:newCoordinate];
            [newCamera setPitch:60];
            [newCamera setHeading:heading];
            [newCamera setAltitude:eyeAltitude];
            [mapView setCamera:newCamera];



            MKMapCamera *newCamera = [MKMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:newCoordinate
            [newCamera setPitch:pitch];

            [mapView setCamera:newCamera];



            MKMapCamera *oldCamera = mapView.camera;
            [oldCamera setCenterCoordinate:newCoordinate];
            [oldCamera setPitch:60];
            [oldCamera setHeading:heading];
            [oldCamera setAltitude:eyeAltitude];


Does memory wise seem nr 3 the most worthy or is it a singleton class? In most examples, they use nr1.

For nr3, I cannot get the animation to work.



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1 answer

Using MKMapCamera, you can set the orientation of the map without going into transformation in the view or even detecting the title of the users.

MKMapCamera *mapCamera = [[self.mvMap camera] copy];
[mapCamera setHeading:headingDegrees]; 
[self.mvMap setCamera:mapCamera animated:YES];


If you don't need animation, you can simply set a new title on the existing camera:

[self.mapView.camera setHeading:heading];




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