Efficient plotting of sparse bijagency matrix in Numpy

I am trying to load this CSV file into a numpy sparse matrix that will represent the adjacency matrix of this bi-directional plot from user to subredd: http://figshare.com/articles/reddit_user_posting_behavior/874101

Here's an example:



There are 876,961 lines (one for each user) and 15,122 subreddits and a total of 8,495,957 associations from user to subreddit.

Here is the code I have now that takes 20 minutes to run on my MacBook Pro:

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix 

row_list = []
entry_count = 0
all_reddits = set()
with open("reddit_user_posting_behavior.csv", 'r') as f:
    for x in f:
        pieces = x.rstrip().split(",")
        user = pieces[0]
        reddits = pieces[1:]
        entry_count += len(reddits)
        for r in reddits: all_reddits.add(r)

reddits_list = np.array(list(all_reddits))

# 5s to get this far

rows = np.zeros((entry_count,))
cols = np.zeros((entry_count,))
data =  np.ones((entry_count,))
user_idx = 0
for row in row_list:
    for reddit_idx in np.nonzero(np.in1d(reddits_list,row))[0]:
        cols[i] = user_idx
        rows[i] = reddit_idx
adj = csr_matrix( (data,(rows,cols)), shape=(len(reddits_list), len(row_list)) )


It seems hard to believe this is as fast as it can happen ... Loading an 82MB file into a list of lists takes 5 seconds, but building a sparse matrix takes 200 times longer. What can I do to speed up this? Is there some file format that I can convert to this CSV in less than 20 minutes that will import faster? Is there some obviously expensive operation I am doing here that is not good? I tried to create a dense matrix and I tried to create lil_matrix

and dok_matrix

and assign 1

one at a time, not faster.


source to share

2 answers

Couldn't sleep, tried one more thing ... I was able to bring it down to 10 seconds this way, at the end:

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix 

user_ids = []
subreddit_ids = []
subreddits = {}
with open("reddit_user_posting_behavior.csv", 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        for sr in line.rstrip().split(",")[1:]: 
            if sr not in subreddits: 
                subreddits[sr] = len(subreddits)

adj = csr_matrix( 
    ( np.ones((len(userids),)), (np.array(subreddit_ids),np.array(user_ids)) ), 
    shape=(len(subreddits), i) )




To begin with, you can replace in the inner for

one with something like:

reddit_idx = np.nonzero(np.in1d(reddits_list,row))[0]
sl = slice(i,i+len(reddit_idx))
cols[sl] = user_idx
rows[sl] = reddit_idx
i = sl.stop


Using it nonzero(in1d())

to find matches looks good, but I haven't looked into alternatives. An alternative to slice assignment is a list extend

, but this is probably slower, especially with many lines.

Constructing strings, cols is by far the slowest part. The challenge csr_matrix

is small.

Since there are many more rows (users) than subredassets, it may be necessary to collect a list of user IDs for each subredd. You are already collecting subreddits in a set. Instead, you can collect them in the default dictionary and build a matrix from that. When tested on 3 lines replicated 100,000 times, it is noticeably faster.

from collections import defaultdict
red_dict = defaultdict(list)
user_idx = 0
with open("reddit_user_posting_behavior.csv", 'r') as f:
    for x in f:
        pieces = x.rstrip().split(",")
        user = pieces[0]
        reddits = pieces[1:]
        for r in reddits:
            red_dict[r] += [user_idx]
        user_idx += 1

print 'done 2nd'
x =  red_dict.values()
adj1 = sparse.lil_matrix((len(x), user_idx), dtype=int)
for i,j in enumerate(x):
    adj1[i,j] = 1




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