Insert one record into many records

I am having a problem with inserts in Entity Framework.

My application has the following two objects:

  • Reminder
  • Employee

A note can be associated with multiple employees.
An employee can be associated with multiple memos.

This means many to many. I have read several articles explaining to me that a join table should be created, which I think is obvious.

In the articles, I learned that Entity Framework will automatically create a join table for me. So I did it like this:


public Guid MemoId { get; set; }
public String Message { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Employee> Employees { get; set; }



public Guid EmployeeId { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Memo> Memos { get; set; }


When updating my database using the Package Manager Console, a connection table was created in the database. I did it using the following line:
update-database -force -verbose

I have an idea about creating a new note. Here you can select a list of employees and add them to the memo. However, populating this junction table does not proceed as planned. I think it has something to do with setting up my repositories. I created MemoRepository and EmployeeRepository.

My controller managing Memo creation looks like this:


public class MemoController : Controller
    private IMemoRepository _memoRepository;
    private IEmployeeRepository _employeeRepository;

    public MemoController(IMemoRepository memoRepository, IEmployeeRepository employeeRepository) {
        _memoRepository = memoRepository;
        _employeeRepository = employeeRepository;

    public ViewResult Create() {
        //Initializes MemoCreateViewModel here
        return View(model);

    public ActionResult Create(MemoCreateViewModel model) {
            return RedirectToAction("Create");

        Guid employeeId;
        List<Guid> employeeIds = new List<Guid>();
        foreach (var id in model.SelectedEmployeeIds) {
            if (!Guid.TryParse(id, out employeeId)) {
        var employees = _employeeRepository.GetEmployeesByIds(employeeIds);
        model.Memo.Employees = employees.ToList<Employee>();

        return RedirectToAction("List");



public class EFMemoRepository : IMemoRepository
    private EFDbContext context;

    public EFMemoRepository(EFDbContext _context) {
        context = _context;

    public IQueriable<Memo> Memos {
        return context.Memos;

    public void SaveMemo(Memo memo) {
        if(memo.MemoId == Guid.Empty) {
            memo.MemoId = Guid.NewGuid();
            context.Memos.Add(memo); //error 1 here 
        } else {
            Memo dbEntry = context.Memos.Find(memo.MemoId);
            if(dbEntry != null) {
                dbEntry.Message = memo.Message;
                dbEntry.Employees = memo.Employees;
    context.SaveChanges(); //error 2 here


Error 1 I get on insert:

An entity object cannot reference multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker.

Error 2 While updating:

The relationship between the two objects cannot be determined because they are bound to different ObjectContext objects.

How can I solve this, I have read threads about people saying it has to do with using different contexts, others say it has something to do with Attach()

, but I don't know how to resolve this in my application.

Please tell me if you need more information.

Note. I left the code behind to make it easier to read. Code can be added if required of course.


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1 answer

You get the first error because you are adding a Memo object that is being passed to the context. But the employee object that was added to the memo object inside the controller was retrieved using a different dbContext. To fix this, you must share the db context between the two OR you must explicitly bind the Employee object to the current context.


public ActionResult Create(MemoCreateViewModel model) {
        return RedirectToAction("Create");

    Guid employeeId;
    List<Guid> employeeIds = new List<Guid>();
    foreach (var id in model.SelectedEmployeeIds) {
        if (!Guid.TryParse(id, out employeeId)) {
    EFDbContext dbContext = new EFDbContext();//Note
    var employees = _employeeRepository.GetEmployeesByIds(dbContext, employeeIds);//Note the extra parameter
    model.Memo.Employees = employees.ToList<Employee>();
    _memoRepository.SaveMemo(dbContext,model.Memo);//Note the extra parameter

    return RedirectToAction("List");


EFMemoRepository CLASS CLASS:

public void SaveMemo(EFDbContext dbContext, Memo memo) 
    if(memo.MemoId == Guid.Empty) 
        memo.MemoId = Guid.NewGuid();
        context.Memos.Add(memo); //error 1 here 
    } else 
        Memo dbEntry = dbContext.Memos.Find(memo.MemoId);
        if(dbEntry != null) 
            dbEntry.Message = memo.Message;
            for (int i = 0; i < dbEntry.Employees.Count; i++)/*Please note that if lazy loading is not True then this reference must explicitly be loaded*/
            foreach (var item in memo.Employees)
           context.Entry(dbEntry).State = EntityState.Modified;                
    dbContext.SaveChanges(); //error 2 here




public void SaveMemo(Memo memo) 
    if(memo.MemoId == Guid.Empty) 
        memo.MemoId = Guid.NewGuid();
        context.Memos.Add(memo); //error 1 here 
    } else 
        Memo dbEntry = context.Memos.Find(memo.MemoId);
        if(dbEntry != null) 
            dbEntry.Message = memo.Message;
            for (int i = 0; i < dbEntry.Employees.Count; i++)/*Please note that if lazy loading is not True then this reference must explicitly be loaded*/
            foreach (var item in memo.Employees)
            context.Entry(dbEntry).State = EntityState.Modified;              
    context.SaveChanges(); //error 2 here


Personally, I would go with option 1 or something along those lines.

Scream if something is unclear



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