Attaching tags or multiple tags in XML :: COMPILE :: SCHEMA

I gave xsd file, Perl Enviroment and can only use   XML::LibXML , XML::SAX, XML::Compile

The relevant part from the xsd is

<complexType name="property">
<attribute type="propertyvalue" name="name" use="required"/>
<attribute type="string" name="value" use="required"/>
<simpleType name="propertyvalue">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="propertya"/>
<enumeration value="propertyb"/>
  [....some more values...]


I need to write multiple properties for each value. So far I've worked with XML :: Compile :: Schema

$schema->template('PERL', $type); 
my $doc    = XML::LibXML::Document->new('1.0', 'UTF-8');
my $write  = $schema->compile(WRITER => $type, use_default_namespace => 1);
my %hash;
$hash = {
properties =>
             version => 42,
             property =>
                        [ {name => "propertya",
                           value => "example",
                        }, ],
my $xml= $write->($doc, $hash);


My problem so far, I can't see a way how I can add multiple property tags with something like

@properties =("propertya","propertyb",[.and so on.]);
foreach my $pname (@properties){
$hash = {
          properties =>
                       version => 42,
                       property =>
                                  [ {name => $pname;
                                     value => "example",
                                  }, ],
my $xml= $write->($doc, $hash);


without overwriting everything or getting messages that are missing in other parts of the file. Is there a way to do this and is there a way to attach tags later after doing   my $xml = $write->($doc, $hash);


source to share

1 answer

The property value in your hash is just a reference to an anonymous array / array. This way you can simply process your properties in name value pairs in a foreach loop and cast them to an array. Then you only need to create the hash of the hash once and give it a reference to the props array you created in your foreach loop.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my @properties=("propertya","propertyb","propertyc");
my @props;
foreach my $pname (@properties){
        push(@props, {name=>$pname, value=>'example'});

my $hash = {
properties =>
             version => 42,
             property => \@props

print Dumper $hash


as you can see the property now has an array of properties.

$VAR1 = {
          'properties' => {
                            'version' => 42,
                            'property' => [
                                              'value' => 'example',
                                              'name' => 'propertya'
                                              'value' => 'example',
                                              'name' => 'propertyb'
                                              'value' => 'example',
                                              'name' => 'propertyc'




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