Android Studio not showing any errors?

I don't know what happened,
but when I copy paste the code or write something, there are
no errors.

See the picture below where I copied the code but haven't imported the imports yet. But Android studio doesn't show any errors. Even when I do Ctr + Alt + O

It doesn't import anything

enter image description here

Do they have any settings to get it back or something?

I've already tried updating all available updates


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6 answers

It looks like you might be in power saving mode. Check it out in the menu File

just above Exit

. When saving power, the code check is disabled.

To check the code again, you can: 1) exit power saving mode or 2) manually check the code using Inspect Code...

the menu Analyze




On the right, click on the smiling face and drag the progress bar on the right:




Clean project and click ALT + ENTER

for import

to android studio



in logcat view mode

try to remove any filter or filter with your application

enter image description here



Click on the bottom right corner icon in android studio and uncheck the Power saving mode



On the right side, theres colored squares next to the scroll bar. Enter the red square view to see the error.



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