Solution - missing idfa class, GAIProperty and GAIHit GoogleAnalytics in ios

Since then I have faced GoogleAnalytics issue with the following errors / warnings :

idfa class missing, will not collect idfa

CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named GAIProperty for GAIProperty object. Class not found using default NSManagedObject instead.

CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named GAIHit for GAIHit object. Class not found using default NSManagedObject instead.

Google Analytics released their new version 3.10 on November 5th14 with the above fixed issue.

Just follow the steps to remove the three alerts.

1. Download this file from the recently updated GoogleAnalytics v3.10 which launched on November 5 libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a and libAdIdAccess.a

2. Add both of these files to your Framworks


Run your build, it won't show the above warnings.


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