BundleTable.EnableOptimizations true breaks jquery-ui all.css

In an Asp.Net MVC 5 application, I create a styleset in my method egisterBundles

I am using jquery-ui

Instead of listing all the jquery-ui

css files individually, I use all.css

which imports everything else.
The code looks like this:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(


And all.css contains two lines:

@import "base.css";
@import "theme.css";


This works, but only when I install

BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false.


When I install

BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true


then none of the jquery css is loaded.

There is of course an easy workaround; I can individually add jquery-ui css files to the bundle.
But I'm curious: why does all.css break when the css files are linked and minified?
It doesn't look like a browser as I have the same problem in both IE9 and Chrome 39.


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1 answer

As per this answer, the default minifier just doesn't support the @import directive:

MVC4 fails with error Unexpected token found "@import"

Also, jquery-ui css files contain relative paths to images, so the virtual package path should allow the browser to find the relative path to images, like this:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/jqueryui")
   .Include("~/Content/themes/base/core.css" [and other desired css files]));


And in the cshtml page:



See this link for explanation: MVC4 StyleBundle does not resolve images



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