Concatenate two n-dimensional cell arrays into n-by-n-dimensional

I wonder how to do this in MATLAB.

I have a={1;2;3}

and would like to create a cell array



How can I do this without a for loop?


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4 answers

You can use allcomb

from MATLAB File-exchange
to help you with this -





Just for fun, using kron

and repmat


a = {1;2;3}

b = mat2cell([kron(cell2mat(a),ones(numel(a),1)) repmat(cell2mat(a),numel(a),1)])


Here, square brackets [] are used to perform the concatenation of both column vectors, where each is defined as either kron

or repmat


This can be easily generalized, but I doubt this is the most efficient / quickest solution.



Using repmat and mat2cell

A = {1;2;3};
T1 = repmat(A',[length(A) 1]);
T2 = repmat(A,[1 length(A)]);
C = mat2cell(cell2mat([T1(:),T2(:)]),ones(length(T1(:)),1),2);




You can use this meshgrid

to help create unique permutations of pairs of values ​​in a

by expanding both matrix outputs meshgrid

so that they fit into the matrix N x 2

. After that, you can determine the final result using mat2cell

to create a 2D cell array. In other words:

a = {1;2;3};
[x,y] = meshgrid([a{:}], [a{:}]);
b = mat2cell([x(:) y(:)], ones(numel(a)*numel(a),1), 2);



will contain your 2D cell array. To understand what is happening at each step, it looks like what the output of the second line looks like. x

and y

are actually 2D matrices, but I'm going to expand them and show that they are both in a matrix, where I have combined both together:

>> disp([x(:) y(:)])

 1     1
 1     2
 1     3
 2     1
 2     2
 2     3
 3     1
 3     2
 3     3


Concatenating both vectors together into a 2D matrix is ​​important for the next line of code. This is an important step to achieve what you want. After the second line of code, the goal is to make each element of this concatenated matrix into a separate cell in the cell array, which it does mat2cell

at the end. By running this last line of code, then displaying the content b

, this is what we get:

>> format compact;
>> celldisp(b)

b{1} =
     1     1
b{2} =
     1     2
b{3} =
     1     3
b{4} =
     2     1
b{5} =
     2     2
b{6} =
     2     3
b{7} =
     3     1
b{8} =
     3     2
b{9} =
     3     3



will be a 9 element cell array and inside each cell there will be another cell array 1 x 2

that stores one row of the concatenated matrix as separate cells.



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