Resharper support for NUnit 3.0 alpha

Is there a way to implement support in Resharper for NUnit 3.0 alpha? I don't see the Resharper extension for this version of NUnit, and the NUnit page says the 2.x runner will not run 3.x tests correctly.


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1 answer

This support is not yet available at this time. The package information for NUnit (Pre-release) mentions:

This package includes the NUnit 3.0 build that your tests referenced. You will need to install version 3.0 of the nunit console or a third party runner that supports NUnit 3.0 in order to run the tests. Runners are intended for use with NUnit 2.x will not run the 3.0 test correctly

However, if you look at the NUnit Release Notes for the latest version, you can read the following:


A driver is now included that allows you to run NUnit 2.x tests in NUnit 3.0.

So, when you use the latest alpha preview release, you might have success. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the official runners come out.



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