One lookup table or multiple lookup tables?
I need to store the basic data of an element with additional attributes such as gender, education, profession, marital_status, height, residency_status, etc.
I have about 15-18 lookup tables that have (id, name, value) all attributes have string values.
I need to create a member table tbl_members
and split 15-18 lookup tables for each of the above attributes:
or should I create only one lookup table tbl_Attributes
and tbl_Attribute_Types
Sample data:
001 - Male - 001
002 - Female - 001
003 - Graduate - 002
004 - Masters - 002
005 - Engineer - 003
006 - Designer - 003
Sample data:
001 - Gender
002 - Education
003 - Profession
To populate the dropdowns, I can select something like:
SELECT A.att_id, A.att_value, AT.att_type_name
FROM tbl_Attributes A
INNER JOIN tbl_Attribute_Types AT ON AT.att_type_Id = A.att_type_Id
WHERE att_Type_Id = @att_Type_Id
and an additional table tbl_mem_att_value
for storing member attributes and values
Sample data for member_id 001, is Male, Master, Engineer
001 - 001
001 - 004
001 - 005
So my question is, should I be looking for one lookup table or multiple lookup tables?
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Never use one lookup table for everything. This will make things difficult to find and will need to be combined in every request, probably multiple times, which would mean it could cause blocking and blocking problems. Further down the same table, you cannot use good design to ensure that the datatype for the descriptor is correct. For example, suppose you want to search for state abbreviations that are two characters. If you use a oneize that fits the entire table, it needs to be wide enough for the largest possible value of any lookup, and you lose the option of rejecting the wrong record because it is too long. This is a guarantee of later data integrity problems.
Also, you cannot use foreign keys correctly to ensure that your input is limited to only the correct values. It will also cause data integrity problems.
NO USE is used to use a single table except for a few minutes of design time (perhaps the least important issue when designing a database). There are many negatives.
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The main reason for using multiple lookup tables is because you can enforce foreign key constraints. This is very important for maintaining relational integrity.
The main reason for using one lookup table is that you have all the string values ββin one place. This can be very useful for internationalizing software.
In general, I would go with separate reference tables, because relational integrity tends to be a more important issue than internationalization.
There are secondary considerations. Many different lookup tables take up more space than a single referenced table - and most of the pages are empty (how much space do you really need to store gender search information?). However, with a relatively small number of lookup tables, this is actually a fairly minor issue.
Another consideration when using a separate table is that all reference keys will have different values. This is useful because it can interfere with unlikely mergers. However, I prevent this problem by naming the join keys the same for both the primary key and the foreign key. So GenderId
will be the primary key in Gender
as well as the foreign key column.
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I have struggled with the same question myself. If the only thing in the lookup table is some kind of code or id and text value, then it certainly works to just add an "attribute id" and dump it all into one table. The obvious advantage is that you only have one table to create and manage. Searches can be slower because there are more records to look up, but presumably you are creating an index on id id id id. At this point, whether performance is better with one large table or ten small tables probably depends on all sorts of details about how the database engine works and about the access pattern. This is a case where I would say: if in practice this is not a problem, don't worry about it.
Two caveats:
One. If you are creating a separate table I would create a code for the attribute name and then another table to display the codes. How:
lookup_attribute(attribute_id, attribute_name) lookup_value(attribute_id, value_id, value_text)
Then the first table has records like
1, 'Gender'
2, 'Marital Status'
3, 'Education'
And the second
1, 1, 'Male'
1, 2, 'Female'
1, 3, 'Undecided'
2, 1, 'Single'
2, 2, 'Married'
2, 3, 'Divorced'
2, 4, 'Widowed'
3, 1, 'High School'
3, 2, 'Associates'
3, 3, 'Bachelors'
3, 4, 'Masters'
3, 5, 'Doctorate'
3, 6, 'Other'
(The value identifier can be unique across all attribute identifiers, or it can only be unique within the attribute identifier, no matter what works for you. It doesn't matter.)
Two. If there is other data that needs to be stored for some attribute besides the value text, then split it into a separate table. For example, if you have an attribute like "Membership Level" and then the user says there are different contributions for each level and you need to record that, then you have an additional field that only applies to that one attribute. At this point, it should become its own table. I have seen systems where they have some extra data for each of the multiple attributes and they create a field called "extra data" or some of them, and for "membership level" it contains the annual fees and "store name" "it contains the city in which the store is located and for the "item number"it contains the number of units at hand for that item, etc., and the system quickly becomes a management nightmare.
To get the values, let's assume we only have gender and marital status as searches. The principle is the same for others.
So, we have a monster lookup table as described above. Then we have a member table, say
member (member_id, name, member_number, whatever, gender_id, marital_status_id)
To receive a message, just write
select m.member_id,, m.member_number, m.whatever,
g.value_text as gender, ms.value_text as marital_status
from member m
join lookup_value g on g.attribute_id=1 and g.attribute_value=m.gender_id
join lookup_value ms on ms.attribute_id=2 and ms.attribute_value=m.marital_status_id
where m.member_id=@member_id
Alternatively, you can:
member (member_id, name, member_number, whatever)
member_attributes (member_id, attribute_id, value_id)
Then you can get all w attributes
select a.attribute_name, v.value_text
from member_attribute ma
join lookup_attribute a on a.attribute_id=ma.attribute_id
join lookup_value v on v.attribute_id=a.attribute_id and v.value_id=ma.value_id
where ma.member_id=@member_id
It seems to me that I'm trying to write queries that have a clear advantage to make the id of the value globally unique: this not only removes the need to specify the id of the attribute in the connection, but it also means that if you do, there is a field, say gender_id, you may still have a foreign key position.
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