MySQL sql_mode Turning strict mode forever Linux for WHMCS

I am not very experienced with this, but I am trying to set the mySQL option strict_mode

to force-enforcing so that I can install and configure the database to install WHMCS.

The problem is that I have seen many different posts and people saying that you should change the my.cnf file and set the following sql_mode setting:



I've also tried just the following:

sql_mode= "TRADITIONAL"


It seems that nothing comes of them. When I restart mySQL and then check the mode using this:

mysql> SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode; 


I am getting the following, which apparently means that I am still in strict mode:

+ ---------------------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------------------- --- - + | @@ GLOBAL.sql_mode | + ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - + | STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, STRICT_ALL_TABLES, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, NO_ZERO_DATE, ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, TRADITIONAL, NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER, NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION | + ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - +

However, I can set strict mode for the session using this:

mysql> SET GLOBAL sql_mode ="";    


The problem is that the installation will fail when the machine reboots and then goes back to strict mode.

Does anyone else have any definitive suggestions on how I can permanently disable strict mode in MySQL on ubuntu to allow me to use WHMCS?

I can't find any other config files that might override this strict mode, but I might be missing something that is.


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1 answer

After reboot, the two files are first followed by mysql. You can search for "sql_mode" in the following files and update them according to your requirements: /etc/my.cnf


You have to do this as root user and then it won't change after you restart mysql.



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