Set for each type the property not_analyzed for the custom object

I have a custom object that I want to store in ElasticSearch as my own type in the index, but I don't want any field in the object to be parsed. How should I do it?

I am using the ElasticSearch NEST client, but can also manually create a mapping if needed.


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1 answer

You have several options that will work. Personally, I would go with one of the first two. If it's a daily index, the second option is the best option.

  • Define upfront mapping and disable dynamic fields. This is by far the safest approach and it will help you avoid mistakes and it will prevent you from adding fields afterwards.

      "mappings": {
        "_default_": {
          "_all": {
            "enabled": false
        "mytype" : {
          "dynamic" : "strict",
          "properties" : {

  • Create an index template that also disables dynamic fields, but allows you to continuously scan new indexes with the same mappings.

    You can create multi-level index templates so that more than one is applicable to any given index.

      "template": "mytimedindex-*", 
      "settings": {
        "number_of_shards": 2
      "mappings": {
        "_default_": {
          "_all": {
            "enabled": false
        "mytype" : {
          "dynamic" : "strict",
          "properties" : {

  • Create a dynamic mapping that allows you to create new fields, but by default everything string

    is not_analyzed


    "dynamic_templates" : [ {
      "strings" : {
        "mapping" : {
          "index" : "not_analyzed",
          "type" : "string"
        "match" : "*",
        "match_mapping_type" : "string"
    } ]

    This will allow you to dynamically add fields to the display.



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