Vector in dataframe in r of given vector length

I have vectors of different lengths. For example:

[1]   1  95   5   2 135   4   3 135   4   4 135   4   5 135   4   6 135   4

[1]   1  70   3   2 110   4   3 112   4


I am trying to write a script in R so that any vector will enter a function or loop, and it returns a block of data of three columns. Thus, a separate block of data for each input vector. Each vector is a multiple of three (hence three columns). I'm new to R in terms of writing functions and don't seem to understand it. Here's my attempt:

newdf = c()
ld <- length(df1)
ld_mult <- length(df1)/3
ld_seq <- seq(from=1,to=ld,by=3)
ld_seq2 < ld_seq +2
for (i in 1:ld_mult) {
  newdf[i,] <- df1[ld_seq[i]:ld_seq2[i]]


the output I want for df1 would be:

1 95    5
2 135   4
3 135   4
4 135   4
5 135   4
6 135   4



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1 answer

Here's an example of how you could use it matrix

for this purpose:

x <- c(1, 95, 5,2, 135, 4, 3, 135, 4), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
#  V1  V2 V3
#1  1  95  5
#2  2 135  4
#3  3 135  4



y <- c(1, 70, 3, 2, 110, 4, 3, 112, 4), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
#  V1  V2 V3
#1  1  70  3
#2  2 110  4
#3  3 112  4


Or, if you want to make it a custom function:

newdf <- function(vec) {, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))

#V1  V2 V3
#1  1  70  3
#2  2 110  4
#3  3 112  4


You can also tell the user to specify the number of columns they want to create with the function if you add another argument to newdf:

newdf <- function(vec, cols = 3) {, ncol = cols, byrow = T))


Now the default number of columns is 3 if the user does not provide a number. If he wants, he can use it like this:

newdf(z, 5) # to create 5 columns


Another nice little function add-on would be to check if the length of the input vector is a multiple of the number of columns specified in the function call:

newdf <- function(vec, cols = 3) {
  if(length(vec) %% cols != 0) {
    stop("Number of columns is not a multiple of input vector length. Please double check.")
  }, ncol = cols, byrow = T))

newdf(x, 4)
#Error in newdf(x, 4) : 
#  Number of columns is not a multiple of input vector length. Please double check.


If you had multiple vectors sitting in list

, here's how you could convert each one to data.frame


> l <- list(x,y)
> l
#[1]   1  95   5   2 135   4   3 135   4
#[1]   1  70   3   2 110   4   3 112   4

> lapply(l, newdf)
#  V1  V2 V3
#1  1  70  3
#2  2 110  4
#3  3 112  4
#  V1  V2 V3
#1  1  70  3
#2  2 110  4
#3  3 112  4




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