How to find the closest number, that is, the strength of two, to another number?
I am creating a world generator for my 2D game in which Diamond Square Algorithm in Java and I heard that it only works (or at least only works well) with numbers that are 2 n +1 (power of two) ...
The method that generates the world is called with generateWorld(width, height)
, but this creates a problem. I want to be able to enter width
and the function will find the nearest numberequal to two if there is no input signal width. I really don't know how I can go about doing this, so all help is greatly appreciated!
Summing up . If one number is not equal to two, I want to find the closest number to it, which is is equal to two.
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You can round up to the higher cardinality of two (no change if it was already two):
x = x - 1;
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
return x + 1;
It will give 0 for inputs where the next higher power of the two does not exist.
Another candidate is only half of that. Then take the closest one.
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There are two candidates: 2^floor(log2(x))
and 2^ceil(log2(x))
. Just check which one is closer.
For integers, you can use bit scripting to find the most significant set of bits to get the exact value floor(log2(x))
. I've written about this before . Again, this gives you two candidates that you can check.
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Mathematically speaking, the closest power of 2 would be 2 round (log 2(x)) . Java unfortunately does not have a pre-prepared method for the log 2, but fortunately, it is easily implementable with the pre-existing functions java.lang.Math
int width = ...;
double log = Math.log(width) / Math.log(2);
long roundLog = Math.round(log);
long powerOfTwo = Math.pow(2, roundLog);
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Guava 20 +
You have 3 useful methods:
and you can check which of the floor levels is 2 and the max power of 2 is closer.
public static void main(String[] args) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i < 13 ; i++ ) {
private static void nearestPowerOfTwo(int x) {
int ceil = IntMath.ceilingPowerOfTwo(x);
int floor = IntMath.floorPowerOfTwo(x);
System.out.print(x + " ---> ");
if ( IntMath.isPowerOfTwo(x) ) {
System.out.println(x + " (the number is power of 2)");
} else if ( ceil - x > x - floor ) {
} else if (ceil - x == x - floor) {
System.out.println(floor + " and " + ceil);
} else {
1 ---> 1 (the number is power of 2)
2 ---> 2 (the number is power of 2)
3 ---> 2 and 4
4 ---> 4 (the number is power of 2)
5 ---> 4
6 ---> 4 and 8
7 ---> 8
8 ---> 8 (the number is power of 2)
9 ---> 8
10 ---> 8
11 ---> 8
12 ---> 8 and 16
There are also LongMath
and DoubleMath
if IntMath
not enough.
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