Why is WorkContext.CurrentUser always null?

I am working on the Orhcard module and I need to get the current user id. I tried everything I could google, but nothing worked. CurrentUser is always null. Here are the last things I've tried

public MyWidgetDriver(IWidgetService widgetService, 
            IAuthenticationService authenticationService,RequestContext requestContext,
            IWorkContextAccessor workContextAccessor, IOrchardServices orchSvc)

            var a = authenticationService.GetAuthenticatedUser();
            var b = orchSvc.WorkContext.CurrentUser;
            var c = workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentUser;



a, b and c are all null values. I can get the username from HttpContext.User, but I need an ID. the user is logged in. I have tried various accounts and account types. I can see that other parts that work with the user are working and can show the username via the WorkContext.

What am I missing?


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1 answer

It looks like you are trying to access it from the constructor. You need to actually implement these services before using them. So that...

private readonly IOrchardServices _orchardServices;

public MyWidgetDriver(IOrchardServices orchardServices) {
 _orchardServices = orchardServices;

public DriverResult Display(...) {
 var b = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser;
 var id = b.Id;




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