No leading zeros for R months


in R has no obvious ability to display the month without a leading 0 (and the same with the year). Is there any other way to get this result?

in: as.Date("2005-09-02")

out: 2/9/5

or 0 only the month is removed:

out: 2/9/05


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3 answers

Solution with sub


x <- as.Date("2005-09-02")
sub("..0?(.+)-0?(.+)-0?(.+)", "\\3/\\2/\\1", x)
# [1] "2/9/5"




You can try this.

x <- as.Date(c("2005-09-02", "2005-10-20", "2010-10-20"))

gsub("0(\\d)", "\\1", format(x, "%d/%m/%y"))
# [1] "2/9/5"    "20/10/5"  "20/10/10"


But keep in mind that doing this on a vector of dates from different ages will be a little confusing when you come back to look at them later.



You can do this, but you need to set it as a character, because this format is not the actual date format.

X = "2005-09-02"
date = paste(substr(X,10,10),"/",substr(X,7,7),"/",substr(X,4,4),sep='')




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