Can't use helper method in chef

I want to use a method in a recipe, so I create a helper method for it.

my_cookbook / libraries / foo_helper.rb

module Foo
  module Helper
    def foo_daemon_command(action)
      %Q{bash -c "export PATH='/usr/local/bin:/opt/rbenv/bin:$PATH'; eval '$(rbenv init -)'; cd /opt/foo; /opt/rbenv/shims/ruby foo_daemon.rb #{action} >>/var/log/foo/cron_#{action}.log 2>>/var/log/foo/cron_#{action}.log" }


And load the method from the recipe.

my_cookbook / Recipes / default.rb

Chef::Resource::User.send(:include, Foo::Helper)

execute "foo daemon restart" do
  command foo_daemon_command("restart")


When I apply the recipe, I get an error undefined method

like this:

undefined method `foo_daemon_command' for Chef::Resource::Execute


What am I doing wrong?


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1 answer

The specific error is that you are fixing the function in the user resource instead of Execute. But the best way to do it is to mix it with the current recipe. Just add extend Foo::Helper

to the beginning of the recipe. You can also make it a modular method and call it directly as Foo::Helper.foo_daemon_command

. In general, making global DSL changes should be done with great care and never from recipe code.



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