Find a category from reference values ​​placed in columns in R

I have the following data and code:

> dput(mydata)
structure(list(P3 = c(99.4, 105.8, 111.9), P5 = c(100.4, 106.9, 
113.1), P10 = c(102, 108.6, 114.9), P25 = c(104.8, 111.6, 118.1
), P50 = c(108, 115, 121.8), P75 = c(111.2, 118.6, 125.6), P90 = c(114.3, 
121.9, 129.1), P95 = c(116.1, 123.9, 131.3), P97 = c(117.4, 125.3, 
132.7), val = c(115.5, 112.7, 117)), .Names = c("P3", "P5", "P10", 
"P25", "P50", "P75", "P90", "P95", "P97", "val"), row.names = 7:9, class = "data.frame")
> mydata
     P3    P5   P10   P25   P50   P75   P90   P95   P97   val
7  99.4 100.4 102.0 104.8 108.0 111.2 114.3 116.1 117.4 115.5
8 105.8 106.9 108.6 111.6 115.0 118.6 121.9 123.9 125.3 112.7
9 111.9 113.1 114.9 118.1 121.8 125.6 129.1 131.3 132.7 117.0


I want to create a new "categ" column in mydata that will have the "number" part of the first column name (checked from left to right) that contains a value greater than the "val" of that row.

Hence, I should get 95,50,25 in the new column.

I know the 'findInterval' and 'match' functions are used for this kind of classification, but I cannot apply them to mydata. Thanks for your help.


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2 answers

You may try

indx <- max.col(mydata[,-10] >mydata$val,'first')
mydata$categ <- as.numeric(sub("[A-Z]+", "", names(mydata)[indx]))
#[1] 95 50 25



indx <- apply(mydata[,-10] > mydata$val, 1, function(x) names(which(x))[1])


and then use sub

as before


mydata <- structure(list(P3 = c(99.4, 105.8, 111.9), P5 = c(100.4, 106.9, 
113.1), P10 = c(102, 108.6, 114.9), P25 = c(104.8, 111.6, 118.1
), P50 = c(108, 115, 121.8), P75 = c(111.2, 118.6, 125.6), P90 = c(114.3, 
121.9, 129.1), P95 = c(116.1, 123.9, 131.3), P97 = c(117.4, 125.3, 
132.7), val = c(115.5, 112.7, 117)), .Names = c("P3", "P5", "P10", 
"P25", "P50", "P75", "P90", "P95", "P97", "val"), class = "data.frame",
row.names = c("7", "8", "9"))




To answer the question about speed:

for(j in 1:10) bigdat<- rbind(bigdat,bigdat)
frist<-function(mydata) {
    indx <- max.col(mydata[,-10] >mydata$val,'first')
mydata$categ <- as.numeric(sub("[A-Z]+", "", names(mydata)[indx]))

sceond <- function(mydata) indx <- apply(mydata[,-10] > mydata$val, 1, function(x) names(which(x))[1]) 

Unit: milliseconds
           expr       min        lq    median        uq      max neval
  frist(bigdat)  5.400829  5.688074  7.166702  7.816168 142.6927   100
 sceond(bigdat) 22.333659 24.442536 25.422791 26.984677 178.7408   100


EDIT: per akrun's comment, I added the same regex line to the function sceond

, but it doesn't affect the timing:

sceond <- function(mydata) {
    indx <- apply(mydata[,-10] > mydata$val, 1, function(x) names(which(x))[1]) 
    mydata$categ <- as.numeric(sub("[A-Z]+", "", names(mydata)[indx]))
Unit: milliseconds
           expr       min        lq    median        uq       max neval
  frist(bigdat)  5.315901  5.613826  6.940932  7.791208  29.15699   100
 sceond(bigdat) 22.359897 24.588688 25.636795 27.868710 359.79325   100




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