Plain HTML DOM as echo only text from anchor text

summary of my code:

foreach($html->find('a') as $element) {


.. I use the following for inner text:



Any possibility to display only text from anchor text other than Simple HTML DOM, I'm trying to crawl about 10k links, but in some cases it prints IF inside <a tag

, div code, image code, etc.

if <a tag

is standard (simple), for example:

<a href="">Anchor Text</a>


so in this case $ element-> innertext will be "Anchor Text"


if the cases are:

1    <a href=""><div id=whatever>Anchor Text</div></a>



2    <a href=""><img src="whatever" /></a>


my $element->innertext

will be:

Result1 <div id=whatever>Anchor Text</div>
Result2 <img src="whatever" />


Is there any change to print ONLY text or should I write my own custom conditions for each case: div, img, etc.


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3 answers

It's as easy as strip_tags($element->innertext);

The result will be an empty string if the anchor is an image.



Use Plaintext





$mbHtml = mb_convert_encoding($element->innertext, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'utf-8');
$mbHtml = mb_eregi_replace('<(div|option|ul|li|table|tr|td|th|input|select|textarea|form)', ' <\\1', $mbHtml );




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