Android studio: filter option not showing

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My android studio trap is not showing filter parameter. I think some settings have been changed.


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1 answer

I have the same problem as you, including after a complete wipe (disk format) installation of Ubuntu 13.04 and a clean install of everything.

Today I finally figured out what magic window / tab drag operation is. I am in Android Studio 0.42 from this post.

I don't know how to describe the drag-and-drop operation, and I'm a little afraid to undo it for screenshots;)


[Devices] [Logcat] [ADB Logs]

While on devices (while filters and everything is on the right), drag the logcat window into the frame, slightly below the tab bar.

Then they are added, so you can see Filter AND logcat in the same window. Then it will look like this:

[Devices | Logcat] [ADB Logs]

only two tabs (note the vertical bar), with the first tab containing the merged content.



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