Manipulating BigIntegers in Java Baeldung

I was working on a java program where I need to calculate and store huge values ​​in an array. So far, I am getting the value by inserting the injected variable into an exponential function:



I decided to store the value in a BigInteger array, but I don't know how to store these regular managed values ​​with the provided BigInteger constructors. For the "x" value, I actually use quite large numbers that trigger the specified value depending on how long it can be stored. I seem to come full circle with every solution I think of ... just do:

bigArray[i] = new BigInteger((long)Math.pow(7,x));


Doesn't work as I am dealing with values ​​greater than 100 as x. What can I do?


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3 answers


BigInteger bi = BigInteger.valueOf(7).pow(x);




Aioobe's answer is already provided suggesting using BigInteger.valueOf correctly, but I want to provide more information.

As he says:

BigInteger bi = BigInteger.valueOf(7).pow(x);


But let's also take a look at the Java documentation regarding the valueOf () method:

"This" static factory method "is provided in preference to the (long) constructor because it allows reuse of frequently used BigIntegers.




Supply string as parameter to BigInteger constructor, eg.

BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger("1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");


In your case

 BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger("7").pow(x);




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