HDInsight Emulator takes up a lot of memory; how to disable?

I installed the Azure HDInsight Emulator ("HortonWorks Data Platform for Windows") on my 12Gb dev machine and took all my RAM. I currently have 13 processes called "Zulu Platform x64 Architecture", each of which is between 170MB and 75MB.

Is this a common thing? Is there a way to disable it by default?


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3 answers

In addition to uninstalling there is a stop.md and set-autostartoff.cmd file that you can use to manage this in the root directory.



In the future, uninstalling "HortonWorks Data Platform for Windows" gives me back my memory and removes all the "Azure Hadoop" services and "Zulu Platform x64 Architecture Processes" and re-stabilizes my development machine, Oh good.



Extending the answer provided by Matt, the folder where these scripts are located is C: \ hdp.

script to stop all services stop_local_hdp_services.cmd

. Just double click it.

To disable autostart for all services, I had to open Windows PowerShell

as administrator and run the following two commands:

  • Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Ref: Bypass Warning

  1. C:\hdp\set-onebox-manualstart.ps1



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