How to use boto to get aws sqs message already in flight

I have tried boto api

and it seems that the api cannot get the message number already in flight? Can anyone tell me how to get this number?


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1 answer

To find in-flight messages or any other attributes of the SQS queue in boto, you need to do the following:

import boto.sqs
c = boto.sqs.connect_to_region('us-east-1')
queue = c.lookup('myqueue')
attr = queue.get_attributes()


It will be a python dictionary that looks like this:

{u'ApproximateNumberOfMessages': u'0',
 u'ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed': u'0',
 u'ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible': u'0',
 u'CreatedTimestamp': u'1412270007',
 u'DelaySeconds': u'0',
 u'LastModifiedTimestamp': u'1412270007',
 u'MaximumMessageSize': u'262144',
 u'MessageRetentionPeriod': u'345600',
 u'QueueArn': u'arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:723405645490:16ac1da3-564c-43aa-8dcb-4db41ece50ea',
 u'ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds': u'0',
 u'VisibilityTimeout': u'30'}


I believe this is ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible

equivalent to in-flight statistics reported by the console.



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