Difference between jslint and jshint?

Which one should I use?

They are the same?

I found, "JSLint is a JavaScript program that looks for problems in JavaScript programs. It's a code quality tool."


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2 answers

JSHint is a fork of JSLint. The reasons for the fork can be read, for example, here . Basically the author disagrees on some issues with Douglas Crockford on JavaScript coding style.

Use is either a matter of personal preference IMHO. I prefer JSHint, however using either is better than using none :)



I had the same question a couple of weeks ago and was evaluating both JSLint and JSHint.

Contrary to the answers to the following question:

Should I be using JSLint validation or JSHint JavaScript?

My conclusion is not this:

Use JSLint anyway.


If you are looking for a very high level for yourself or a team, JSLint.

How can you set up almost the same rules in JSHint as in JSLint. So I would say that there is no difference in the rules that you could achieve.

So the reasons for choosing one over the other are more political than technical.

Finally, we decided to go with JSHint for the following reasons:

  • Seems to be more customizable JSLint.
  • Looks definitely more community oriented rather than one person show (no matter how cool the person is).
  • JSHint mapped OOTB code style better than JSLint.


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