Entity Framework - persisting foreign key referencing new record

I have a problem persisting my data in Entity Framework.

I have implemented a function that overrides saveChanges of my dbContext because I am using it to set some audit data and other things. In one case, I have big problems.

I need to insert for every new record some records in another table, referencing the new one using a foreign key. If there is only one new entry, everything is fine. But if the entry is 2 or more then I get errors.

I have for loops on all new entries like this:

var addedAuditedEntities = ChangeTracker.Entries()
    .Where(p => p.State == EntityState.Added)
    .Select(p => p.Entity);

foreach (var added in addedAuditedEntities)


I am writing my attempts.

1) so it gives an error in the second new record saying that there is unique data in the TabAssVeicoliTerminali tab (it is a table with a unique index on the IDTER-IDTEV pair), I think because it inserts temporary all records with IDTEV = 0

else if (added.GetType() == typeof(TabTessereVeicoli))
    TabTessereVeicoli i = (TabTessereVeicoli)added;
    i.DATA_INS = now;
    i.USER_INS = mdlImpostazioni.p.UserName;
    var listaterV = new List<TabAssVeicoliTerminali>();
    foreach (var ter in MainWindow.dbContext.TabTerminali) 
        var tt = new TabAssVeicoliTerminali();
        tt.MODIFICATO = true;
        tt.ABILITATO = true;
        tt.IDTER = ter.ID;
        tt.IDTEV = i.ID;
        tt.DATA_INS = now;
        tt.USER_INS = mdlImpostazioni.p.UserName;


2) So I was trying to save earlier to try and set the id of the new record (this is an auto-increment id) and use something! = 0 in the external key IDTEV. But it saves everything as well as other new entries. This way it correctly stores fk in another table, but only for the first new record:

else if (added.GetType() == typeof(TabTessereVeicoli))
    TabTessereVeicoli i = (TabTessereVeicoli)added;
    i.DATA_INS = now;
    i.USER_INS = mdlImpostazioni.p.UserName;
    var listaterV = new List<TabAssVeicoliTerminali>();
    foreach (var ter in MainWindow.dbContext.TabTerminali) 
        var tt = new TabAssVeicoliTerminali();
        tt.MODIFICATO = true;
        tt.ABILITATO = true;
        tt.IDTER = ter.ID;
        tt.IDTEV = i.ID;
        tt.DATA_INS = now;
        tt.USER_INS = mdlImpostazioni.p.UserName;


3) I also tried without BulkInsert but get the same results.

How can I achieve my goal?


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1 answer

Starting with a hint of Ben Robinson in the comments on this question, I found a solution.

It works, but this style is the "perfect solution" because I had to comment out the bulk insert part to do this, so it's a little slow with a lot of new entries.

Anyway, the code I posted in the question is now:

else if (added.GetType() == typeof(TabTessereVeicoli))
    TabTessereVeicoli i = (TabTessereVeicoli)added;
    i.DATA_INS = now;
    i.USER_INS = mdlImpostazioni.p.UserName;
    var listaterV = new List<TabAssVeicoliTerminali>();
    foreach (var ter in MainWindow.dbContext.TabTerminali) 
        var tt = new TabAssVeicoliTerminali();

        tt.MODIFICATO = true;
        tt.ABILITATO = true;
        tt.IDTER = ter.ID;
        tt.IDTEV = i.ID;
        tt.DATA_INS = now;
        tt.USER_INS = mdlImpostazioni.p.UserName;


Let me know if you know how I can achieve my goal using bulkInsert as well!



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