Highcharts show / hide datalabel of the selected point

There are still big problems working with datalabels. Now I need to show and hide datalabels by clicking on the points. Tried this:

plotOptions: {
            series: {
                allowPointSelect : true,
                point: {
                    events: {
                        select /*click*/: function () {
                            this.options.dataLabels.enabled = !this.options.dataLabels.enabled;


But we get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'enabled' of undefined


There are event points point.select

and at the PlotOptions level point.click

, but from the examples given at highcharts.com. I cannot get any help.

Also I can't figure out if I should be working with a dot or maybe a specific series via array access like series[0].data[1]

, etc.? Thank.


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1 answer

Pass the updated property to the method Point.update()


                    click: function(){
                        // determine toggle state
                        // on first click this.dataLabels is undefined...
                        var e = !this.dataLabels || this.dataLabels.enabled ? false : true;
                                enabled: e


Here's an example that switches them.



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