How do I parameterize complex OleDB queries?

I am trying to refactor some code that uses string concatenation to generate SQL commands (making it vulnerable to SQL injection). Basically all I am trying to do is replace all statements string sqlToExecute = String.Format(..)

with SQL command and OleDB list parameters.

I understand how this can be done for simple cases like String.Format("Select * from myTable where id = {0}", id)

. However, I couldn't find a set of good examples for more complex SQL queries.

Here are some of the queries I'm not sure exactly how I can parameterize:

1. Parameters are used for both the column name and the alias; The parameter consists of two variables:

    selQueryBldr.AppendFormat("SELECT * FROM {0} {1} 
    INNER JOIN ColChange CC ON CC.TableRecordID = {1}.{2} and CC.EntityID='{3}'",
    entity.StageTableName, stageTableAlias, entity.PrimaryKey, entity.EntityID);


2. The same parameter is used in several SQL IN clauses

SQL query:

      SELECT A.TablePrefix ...
      FROM Entity E
      INNER JOIN App A
      ON A.AppID = E.AppID
      WHERE E.AppID in (#APPIDS#)


      SELECT A.TablePrefix ...
      FROM EntityB EB
      INNER JOIN App A
      ON A.AppID = EB.AppID
      WHERE EB.AppID in (#APPIDS#)


The parameter is currently being added to the code using the String.Replace () method:

    sqlQuery = sqlQuery.Replace("#APPIDS#",idList);


3. Using variables as parameter name and parameter value:

    StringBuilder dataQuery = new StringBuilder("Select * from {0} WHERE {1}='{2}'",
    tableName, primaryKey[0], changeRow["TableRecordID"]);


4. The variable used part of the unicode parameter:

    sSQL = string.Format("SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[{0}]')",


Also, all of these examples use OleDb classes (OleDbConnection / OleDbCommand etc.), so as far as I understand named parameters cannot be used here.


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1 answer

The different ends allow (or not) either named parameters or "?" place-holder for parameters, so what you would do is construct your request something like

OleDbCommand oCmd = new OleDbCommand( YourConnection, "select * from someTable where yourColumn = ? and otherColumn = ?" );

oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "parm1", YourVariable.FormattedHoweverNeeded );
oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "parm2", anotherVariable.FormattedHoweverNeeded );


If columns expect rows, make sure row. If you are expecting numeric (int, double, float, etc.) leave them as this type or others (date / time, etc.)

Just note ... if you don't execute named parameters (like I did with "?"), The parameters must be added in the same sequence as "?" are placed in the SQL command.



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