Use loggable to link to product version on order line?

I would like to track changes to different objects and reference a specific version from other tables. For example: in the table Orderline

I would like to refer to a specific version of the product.

Is an Loggable

extension the
best way to implement this functionality or should I manually add the ProductVersion object?

I am using Loggable

at the moment and I think I am missing a type function $product->getCurrentVersion()

to get the current version number. Or am I reading the documentation incorrectly?


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3 answers

You can implement this feature in your repository to get the current / latest version

public function getCurrentVersion($id)
    $repo = $this->_em->getRepository('Gedmo\Loggable\Entity\LogEntry');
    $log = $repo->findOneBy(array('objectId' =>$id), array('version' => 'desc'));
    return $log ? $log->getVersion() : null; // or return $log for entire object




Using the Loggable extension , this can be done with:

$repo = $em->getRepository('Gedmo\Loggable\Entity\LogEntry');
// your Product entity
$product = $em->find('Entity\Product', $id);
// find revisions for given product
$logs = $repo->getLogEntries($product);
if (count($logs) > 0) {
    // as it is sorted descending by version
    $currentVersion = $repo->getLogEntries($product)[0]->getVersion();


I can also recommend the EntityAudit extension to you :

In your case, it would be:

$auditReader = $this->container->get("simplethings_entityaudit.reader");
$revision = $auditReader->getCurrentRevision(
// current version number


You also can:

  • find the state of an object at a specific revision
  • find changed objects at a specific revision
  • find the history of changes of the checked object


I would suggest looking at this extension for Doctrine 2 - > EntityAudit (it explains how to install it in Symfony2).

As you can read in the documentation,

This Doctrine 2 extension is inspired by the Hibernate Envers and allows full versioning of objects and their associations.

The usage is pretty simple. You can do the following after installation:

  • Indicate the objects that you want to check. Let's start with the product:

app /Config/config.yml

        - MyBundle\Entity\Product


  1. Run your database upgrade to create the required tables:

./app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

  1. And then from your controller:

    class DefaultController extends Controller {
        public function indexAction() {
          $auditReader = $this->container->get("simplethings_entityaudit.reader");
          foreach( $orderLine as $product ) {// Let assume for simplicity that this makes sense.
            $productAudit = $auditReader->find(
                $id = $product->getId(),
                $rev = 10 // Number of the revision you're interested in.
            // Do whatever you please with the estate of the entity at revision 10!

Hope it helps.

Best wishes and Happy New Year.



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