Knocking down the F # compiler

The following snippet illustrates the error I am getting. Although both match branches return the same; I get the error: "This expression was supposed to have a type unit, but there is a type" a → unit "here. I don't know what the compiler wants here ...

open System.IO 

let FileContent contents =  
  match contents with  
  | "" -> None  
  | c -> Some(c)  

let WriteSomething (contents:string) =  
  let writer = new StreamWriter("")  
  writer.Write( contents ) |> ignore  

let DoStuffWithFileContents =  
  let reader = new StreamReader( "" )  
  let stuff = reader.ReadToEnd()  
  match stuff |> FileContent with  
  | Some(c) -> WriteSomething c  
               |> ignore  
  | None -> ignore  // <- error on "ignore"



source to share

2 answers

An operator is ignore

actually a function that takes one input and returns unit

(F # equivalent void

). So when you have -> ignore

, you return a function ignore


Instead, use ()

to represent a value like unit


  | Some(c) -> WriteSomething c  
               |> ignore  
  | None -> ()


But actually, since it StreamWriter.Write

returns void

, none of these ignore

are needed. You could just write it like:

let WriteSomething (contents:string) =  
  let writer = new StreamWriter("")  

let DoStuffWithFileContents =  
  let reader = new StreamReader("")  
  let stuff = reader.ReadToEnd()  
  match stuff |> FileContent with  
  | Some(c) -> WriteSomething c  
  | None -> () 


Or even better, use Option.iter


let WriteSomething (contents:string) =  
  let writer = new StreamWriter("")  

let DoStuffWithFileContents =  
  let reader = new StreamReader("")  
  let stuff = reader.ReadToEnd()  
  stuff |> FileContent |> Option.iter(WriteSomething)




By ignore

returning to your last line, you are returning a function, not a simple value.

The point ignore

is converting objects to ()

. Your last line might just return ()




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