Angular-ui-grid strings from object keys

I have a container of objects that are stored indexed by their id in a hash.

myObjs = {
  "hello id":{
    foo:"hello foo data",
    bar:"hello bar data"
  "world id":{
    foo:"world foo data",
    bar:"world bar data"


I would like to bind every object in myObjs to a row in the ui-grid ( ). In a general table, it will look like this:

    <tr ng-repeat="(id, obj) in myObjs">


One solution is to get a new array of objects from myObjs content to use as input to the ui-grid, but that would mean I would have to maintain a binding between myObjs and the input array.

Is there a more natural way to bind ui-grid to myObjs?


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1 answer

Can you provide a fiddle / plunger that shows what you are trying to do? ng-repeat can iterate through an object in the same way it can iterate over an array, so there is no need to create a derived array from your object.

I created it here: Plunk It looks like it works great, so I'm not sure what the problem is.


<html ng-app="App">
        <title>AngularJS Plunker</title>

        <!-- AngularJS - MVVM Pattern -->
        <script src="//"></script>

        <!-- Page Specific -->
        <script src="client.js"></script>


    <body ng-controller="Controller">

      <table border="1">
        <tr ng-repeat="(id, obj) in myObjs">




var app = angular.module('App', []);

app.controller('Controller', function ($scope) {

  $scope.myObjs = {
    "hello id":{
      foo:"hello foo data",
      bar:"hello bar data"
    "world id":{
      foo:"world foo data",
      bar:"world bar data"





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