How to debug one robolectric unit test in Android Studio
I can debug my gradle android project if I run all unit tests by following these steps:
First configure the IDE with gradle Run / Debug configuration for unit testing using Robolectric and JUnit
- in the IDE menu do: File / Preferences / Compiler / gradle: Uncheck "Use build in progress"
- In IDE run: Run / Edit Configuration / + / Gradle
- Enter the following details in the fields: Name: test, gradle project: ... / app / build.gradle, Tasks: test, Script parameters: --debug --stacktrace
Next, to run / debug tests from the IDE, run:
- Select "test" from config
- To run: Run / Run 'test'
- Debug: run / debug 'test'
This allows me to run all tests in the debugger.
Now I'm looking for a way to do the same, but only for one specified test. Any suggestions how great it would be.
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It depends on the version of gradle you are using. If you are using version 1.x add the following script parameter to your run config
You don't need to worry about the file path - just the name of the file containing the test class, no trailing .java
If you are using gradle 2.x add the following script parameter to your run config
--tests <test class name>
or --tests * .MyTest
With wildcards, you can run not only one test, but a subset of your tests
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