Set up facebook sharing

I have a WordPress website and where I want to set a custom title, description and image for each url, so that when someone shares the url than they see the content and image that I predefine. Is it possible? I tried a couple of plugins but got stuck with it more and more. Can anyone tell me how I can do this.


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1 answer

For SEO, I used Wordpress SEO from Yoast , which allows you to do this on a previous project with great impact.

For Facebook to read the title, description, and images for sharing, you need to create Opengraph tags. For more information on opengraph tags, see the Facebook Developers Guide on Using Appropriate Opengraph Tags . The Yoast SEO plugin generates appropriate opengraph tags for sharing.

Specifically, improvements to the Yoast plugin enhancements include:

  • Added Facebook / OpenGraph header input and Google+ header input and image upload fields to the Social tab.

  • Added a Facebook / OpenGraph section header for the homepage on the SEO → Social Settings page.

  • Changed the default image fields for Facebook and OpenGraph images and source images to use the media loader.



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