Any trick to make install a specific pip version?
I'm not sure how you are using your script, but you should be able to do something like:
python && pip install -I pip==1.5.6
You may need to add sudo
to both commands.
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This is a relatively old question, but today I found that recent versions
allow an argument to be passed, for example pip<6
, to ensure that the installed protocol version is <6:
[Nautilus@Nautilus scripts]$ python 'pip<6'
Collecting pip<6
Downloading pip-1.5.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.0MB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 1.0MB 608kB/s
Installing collected packages: pip
Successfully installed pip-1.5.6
This seems to work with any form of argument you could pass to pip itself, eg. >, <, <=,> = and ==
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As I tried to explain in the comments,
as a bootstrap method for pip
. The problem it solves is what you need to pip
install pip
The script doesn't let the user choose the version pip
you get, it downloads the latest version automatically.
You can adapt your script and change
def bootstrap(tmpdir=None):
# Import pip so we can use it to install pip and maybe setuptools too
import pip
# We always want to install pip
packages = ["pip"]
def bootstrap(tmpdir=None):
# Import pip so we can use it to install pip and maybe setuptools too
import pip
# We always want to install pip
packages = ["pip==1.5.6"]
Now the script should always install pip-1.5.6
instead of the latest version found on pypi
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