Search value for a dataframe in a range and returns another column

I have two dataframes and want to use the value in one ( DF1$pos

) to search across two columns in DF2 (DF2start, DF2end) and if it hits those numbers, returnDF2$name


ID   pos  name
chr   12
chr  542
chr  674



ID   start   end   annot
chr      1   200      a1
chr    201   432      a2
chr    540  1002      a3
chr   2000  2004      a4


so in this example I would like DF1 to become

ID   pos  name
chr   12    a1
chr  542    a3
chr  674    a3


I've tried using merge and intersection, but don't know how to use the if

boolean operator in them.

Data frames should be encoded as follows:

DF1  <- data.frame(ID=c("chr","chr","chr"),

DF2  <- data.frame(ID=c("chr","chr","chr","chr"),



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2 answers

Maybe you can use foverlaps

from data.table package.

DT1 <- data.table(DF1)
DT2 <- data.table(DF2)
setkey(DT2, ID, start, end)
DT1[, c("start", "end") := pos]  ## I don't know if there a way around this step...
foverlaps(DT1, DT2)
#     ID start  end annot pos i.start i.end
# 1: chr     1  200    a1  12      12    12
# 2: chr   540 1002    a3 542     542   542
# 3: chr   540 1002    a3 674     674   674
foverlaps(DT1, DT2)[, c("ID", "pos", "annot"), with = FALSE]
#     ID pos annot
# 1: chr  12    a1
# 2: chr 542    a3
# 3: chr 674    a3


As @Arun mentioned in the comments, you can also use which = TRUE

in foverlaps

to retrieve the corresponding values:

foverlaps(DT1, DT2, which = TRUE)
#    xid yid
# 1:   1   1
# 2:   2   3
# 3:   3   3
DT2$annot[foverlaps(DT1, DT2, which = TRUE)$yid]
# [1] "a1" "a3" "a3"




You can also use IRanges

DF1N <- with(DF1, IRanges(pos, pos))
DF2N <- with(DF2, IRanges(start, end))
DF1$name <- DF2$annot[subjectHits(findOverlaps(DF1N, DF2N))]
#   ID pos name
#1 chr  12   a1
#2 chr 542   a3
#3 chr 674   a3




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