Iterating over 2d arrays contained in a 3d array in Python

I have seen many questions requiring a faster way to iterate over each element of a 2d array, but I have not found a good method for iterating over a 3-dimensional array to apply the function to each 2d array, For example:

from scipy.fftpack import dct
X = np.arange(10000, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1,4,4)
np.array(map(dct, X))


Here, I am looping through each 2d array contained in a 3D measurement array (625,4,4)

and applying DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) to each array 4X4

. I was wondering if there is a better method for doing this.



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1 answer

Numpy functions:

In this case, since it dct

is a function numpy

, it has built-in functionality to apply to a specific axis. Almost all numpy functions operate on full arrays or can be used to operate on a specific axis (row or column).

So, just using a parameter axis

to a function dct


dct( X, axis=2)


you will get an equivalent result:

>>> ( dct(X, axis=2) == np.array(map(dct, X)) ).all()


which is also> 35 times faster than using the function map

in our matrix case (625,4,4)


%timeit dct(X, axis=2)
1000 loops, best of 3: 157 ยตs per loop

%timeit np.array(map(dct, X))
100 loops, best of 3: 5.76 ms per loop    


Common Python functions:

In other cases, you can vectorize

use the python function using np.vectorize or np.frompyfunc . For example, if you have a demo function that does a scalar operation:

def foo(x): # gives an error if passed in an array
    return x**2

>>> X = np.arange(8, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1,2,2)
>>> foo_arr = np.vectorize( foo)
>>> foo_arr(X)
array([[[  0.,   1.],
        [  4.,   9.]],

       [[ 16.,  25.],
        [ 36.,  49.]]])


The discussion here might also be helpful to you. That being said, vectorizing your non-numpy function doesn't actually make it any faster, though.



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