Jhipster defines languages

I am really new to JHipster. I am writing an application based on the JHipster template. The JHipster template contains many languages, but I only need a few of them. My question is, how can I delete another one without getting errors. I can't just delete the menu entries. Because they come from Cookies and are initialized with the following coed.

<li class="dropdown pointer" ng-controller="LanguageController">
                        <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="javascript:;">
                                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-flag"></span>
                                <span class="hidden-tablet" translate="global.menu.language">Language</span>
                                <b class="caret"></b>
                        <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                            <li active-menu="{{key}}" ng-repeat="(key, language) in languages">
                                <a href="javascript:;" ng-click="changeLanguage(key)">{{language}}</a>


Is there someone where these cookies are initialized and how can I remove other languages?


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1 answer

  • You can delete them, indeed. Take a look at the constants.js file.
  • In the next version we will make it easier, as we have too many languages ​​now!



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