Menu text color in dark mode in Cocoa


has this method:



But there is no way for a normal (unselected) menu item text color. How do I determine the color of the menu text (which is currently black for normal mode, white for "dark" mode)?

I have a custom view in my menu and it should use the same text color as the other menu items.

EDIT: I'm using this now, but I'm hoping to find a cleaner solution for textAttributes


let isDark = NSAppearance.currentAppearance().name.hasPrefix("NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark")
let textAttributes = [
  NSForegroundColorAttributeName: isDark ? NSColor.whiteColor() : NSColor.textColor()
let selectedItemTextAttributes = [
  NSForegroundColorAttributeName: NSColor.selectedMenuItemTextColor()



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2 answers

Help for NSColor and selectedMenuItemColor

links to: see Accessing System Colors in the Color Programs section. This chapter talks about opening developer colors in the default color selector. There you will also find labelColor

a couple more that are not listed in the default interface. Perhaps one of them is the one you are after.



The answer is to set the color of the view layer NSColor.textColor()

in the viewDidAppear method. You also need the views to wantsLayer

be set to true




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