Android - Slowly to hide soft keyboard

I have a problem, the keyboard is hidden very slowly and has a delay to hide (about 1 second).

I have another app that is using fragments, normal work, keyboard hides quickly.

I did some tests:

1 - When there is something behind the keyboard (a map or other control like an image) it freezes and lags 1 second before hiding .

2 - when there is nothing (empty layout), quickly hide .

I leave two screenshots :

Normal keyboard

Normal Keyboard

The keyboard is hidden here, but look at the screen, not refreshing !!!

Hidden keyboard

After one second, the screen refreshes correctly and the keyboard is hidden, but why is this happening?



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2 answers

Add the following line to AndroidManifest.xml





It was probably because you were using too many views / elements in the same snippet, these guidelines will help me:



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