How to switch streams based on some EventStream changes in Bacon

Consider this example from

var up   = $('#up').asEventStream('click');
var down = $('#down').asEventStream('click');

var counter =
  // map up to 1, down to -1
  // accumulate sum
    .scan(0, function(x,y) { return x + y });

// assign observable value to jQuery property text
counter.assign($('#counter'), 'text');


What if I have another button to reset the counter and a stream of events from that button. How to switch the counter flow based on the click flow reset to the reset counter? I know I need to use the .flatMapLatest method, but referring to this example, I don't know how to do it.


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2 answers

You don't need here flatMapLatest

. You can use the powerful and much simpler Bacon.update as in this example we have a simple state machine.

var up    = $('#up').asEventStream('click');
var down  = $('#down').asEventStream('click');
var reset = $('#reset').asEventStream('click');

var counter = Bacon.update(0,
  [up],    function (prev, unused) { return prev + 1; },
  [down],  function (prev, unused) { return prev - 1; },
  [reset], function (prev, unused) { return 0; }




Assuming which #reset

is the button to reset

var up   = $('#up').asEventStream('click');
var down = $('#down').asEventStream('click');
var reset = $('#reset').asEventStream('click');

var counter = reset.flatMapLatest(function () {
             .scan(0, function(x,y) { return x + y });

counter.assign($('#counter'), 'text');




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