Recursive regression in R

Let's say I have a data frame in R like this:

> set.seed(1)
> X <- runif(50, 0, 1)
> Y <- runif(50, 0, 1)
> df <- data.frame(X,Y)
> head(df)

          X          Y
1 0.2655087 0.47761962
2 0.3721239 0.86120948
3 0.5728534 0.43809711
4 0.9082078 0.24479728
5 0.2016819 0.07067905
6 0.8983897 0.09946616


How do I recursively regress Y on X, starting with the first 20 observations and increasing the regression window one observation at a time until it covers the full sample?

There is a lot of information on how to perform fixed window length sliding regression (for example, using rollapply

in batch zoo

). However, my search efforts have been in vain when it comes to finding a simple recursive option where the origin is instead fixed and the window is resized. The exception is the

function from the package quantreg

( here ). This works great ... but for the fact that it doesn't log any information about the standard errors that I need to plot recursive confidence intervals.

I can of course use a loop to achieve this. However, my actual dataframe is very large and is also grouped by id, causing complications. So I hope to find a more efficient option. Basically, I'm looking for the R equivalent of the "sliding [...], recursive" command in Stata.


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3 answers

Maybe this will help:

X1 <- runif(50, 0, 1)
X2 <- runif(50, 0, 10) # I included another variable just for a better demonstration
Y <- runif(50, 0, 1)
df <- data.frame(X1,X2,Y)

rolling_lms <- lapply( seq(20,nrow(df) ), function(x) lm( Y ~ X1+X2, data = df[1:x , ]) )


Using the above function lapply

, you get a recursive regression with complete information.

For example, for the first regression with 20 observations:

> summary(rolling_lms[[1]])

lm(formula = Y ~ X1 + X2, data = df[1:x, ])

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.45975 -0.19158 -0.05259  0.13609  0.67775 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)  0.61082    0.17803   3.431  0.00319 **
X1          -0.37834    0.23151  -1.634  0.12060   
X2           0.01949    0.02541   0.767  0.45343   
Signif. codes:  0 β€˜***’ 0.001 β€˜**’ 0.01 β€˜*’ 0.05 β€˜.’ 0.1 β€˜ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.2876 on 17 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1527,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.05297 
F-statistic: 1.531 on 2 and 17 DF,  p-value: 0.2446


And has all the information you need.

> length(rolling_lms)
[1] 31


He performed 31 linear regressions starting from 20 observations up to 50. Each regression with all the information is stored as an element of the roll_lms list.


As per Carl's comment below, to get the vector of all slopes for each regression, for variable X1, in this case, it is a very good method (as Carl suggested):

all_slopes<-unlist(sapply(1:31,function(j) rolling_lms[[j]]$coefficients[2]))



> all_slopes
         X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1 
-0.37833614 -0.23231852 -0.20465589 -0.20458938 -0.11796060 -0.14621369 -0.13861210 -0.11906724 -0.10149900 -0.14045509 
         X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1 
-0.14331323 -0.14450837 -0.16214836 -0.15715630 -0.17388457 -0.11427933 -0.10624746 -0.09767893 -0.10111773 -0.06415914 
         X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1          X1 
-0.06432559 -0.04492075 -0.04122131 -0.06138768 -0.06287532 -0.06305953 -0.06491377 -0.01389334 -0.01703270 -0.03683358 




You might be interested in a function biglm

in the biglm package. This allows you to fit the regression on a subset of the data and then update the regression model with additional data. The original idea was to use this for large datasets so that you only need a portion of the data in memory at any given time, but it fits the description of what you want to do perfectly (you can wrap the update process in a loop). The feature summary biglm

gives confidence intervals in addition to standard errors (and of course the coefficients).


fit1 <- biglm( Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length + Species, data=iris[1:20,])

out <- list()
out[[1]] <- fit1

for(i in 1:130) {
  out[[i+1]] <- update(out[[i]], iris[i+20,])

out2 <- lapply(out, function(x) summary(x)$mat)
out3 <- sapply(out2, function(x) x[2,2:3])
matplot(t(out3), type='l')


If you don't want to use an explicit loop, the Reduce function can help:

fit1 <- biglm( Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length + Species, data=iris[1:20,])
iris.split <- split(iris, c(rep(NA,20),1:130))
out4 <- Reduce(update, iris.split, init=fit1, accumulate=TRUE)
out5 <- lapply(out4, function(x) summary(x)$mat)
out6 <- sapply(out5, function(x) x[2,2:3])





The solution offered by Greg with help biglm

is faster than the solution LyzandeR suggests with lm

, but still quite slow. There is a lot of overhead that can be avoided with the function shown below. I suppose you can do it significantly faster if you do it all in C ++ withRcpp

# simulate data
n <- 1000
X <- matrix(rnorm(10 * n), n, 10)
y <- drop(10 + X %*% runif(10)) + rnorm(n)
dat <- data.frame(y = y, X)

# assign wrapper for biglm
biglm_wrapper <- function(formula, data, min_window_size){
  mf <- model.frame(formula, data)
  X <- model.matrix(terms(mf), mf)
  y - model.response(mf)

  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)
  storage.mode(X) <- "double"
  storage.mode(y) <- "double"
  w <- 1
  qr <- list(
    d = numeric(p), rbar = numeric(choose(p, 2)), 
    thetab = numeric(p), sserr = 0, checked = FALSE, tol = numeric(p))
  nrbar = length(qr$rbar)
  beta. <- numeric(p)

  out <- NULL
  for(i in 1:n){
    row <- X[i, ] # will be over written
    qr[c("d", "rbar", "thetab", "sserr")] <- .Fortran(
      "INCLUD", np = p, nrbar = nrbar, weight = w, xrow = row, yelem = y[i], 
      d = qr$d, rbar = qr$rbar, thetab = qr$thetab, sserr = qr$sserr, ier = i - 0L, 
      PACKAGE = "biglm")[
        c("d", "rbar", "thetab", "sserr")]

    if(i >= min_window_size){
      tmp <- .Fortran(
        "REGCF", np = p, nrbar = nrbar, d = qr$d, rbar = qr$rbar,
        thetab = qr$thetab, tol = qr$tol, beta = beta., nreq = p, ier = i,
        PACKAGE = "biglm")
      Coef <- tmp$beta

      # compute vcov. See biglm/R/vcov.biglm.R
      R <- diag(p)
      R[row(R) > col(R)] <- qr$rbar
      R <- t(R)
      R <- sqrt(qr$d) * R
      ok <- qr$d != 0
      R[ok, ok] <- chol2inv(R[ok, ok, drop = FALSE])
      R[!ok, ] <- NA
      R[ ,!ok] <- NA
      out <- c(out, list(cbind(
        coef = Coef, 
        SE   = sqrt(diag(R * qr$sserr / (i - p + sum(!ok)))))))


# assign function to compare with 
f2 <- function(formula, data, min_window_size){
  fit1 <- biglm(formula, data = data[1:min_window_size, ])
  data.split <- 
    split(data, c(rep(NA,min_window_size),1:(nrow(data) - min_window_size)))
  out4 <- Reduce(update, data.split, init=fit1, accumulate=TRUE)
  lapply(out4, function(x) summary(x)$mat[, c("Coef", "SE")])

# show that the two gives the same
frm <- y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9 + X10
r1 <- biglm_wrapper(frm, dat, 25)
r2 <- f2(frm, dat, 25)
all.equal(r1, r2, check.attributes = FALSE)
#R> [1] TRUE

# show run time
  r1 = biglm_wrapper(frm, dat, 25), 
  r2 = f2(frm, dat, 25), 
  r3 = lapply(
    25:nrow(dat), function(x) lm(frm, data = dat[1:x , ])),
  times = 5)
#R> Unit: milliseconds
#R>  expr        min         lq       mean    median         uq        max neval cld
#R>    r1   43.72469   44.33467   44.79847   44.9964   45.33536   45.60124     5 a  
#R>    r2 1101.51558 1161.72464 1204.68884 1169.4580 1246.74321 1344.00278     5  b 
#R>    r3 2080.52513 2232.35939 2231.02060 2253.1420 2260.74737 2328.32908     5   c




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