Xcode cannot find Bolts frame even if there is

I reopened the xCode project after 1 month. I tried to compile, but I ran into this error:

"failed to execute linker command with exit code 1 (use -v to invoke the call)"

Please see the image below:

enter image description here

It seems that Xcode cannot find the Bolts Framework even though it is inside the project directory. I tried to remove and re-add it, but it didn't work. I also checked the Framework search path, but it is correct.

Any suggestion? thanks in advance


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1 answer

If you already have one -ObjC

linked, check if the bolts are included under Link Binary with Libraries during assembly steps. If so, try removing the frameworks from the project and re-adding them, download the frameworks again, but without copying them to the project folder.

If it still doesn't work, try using CocoaPods in your project and add it to your subfile:

pod 'Bolts'




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