Jenkins does not start properly after rebooting GCE

If I need to restart Jenkins due to a plugin installation, for example, the slaves are never turned on. I am using Google Compute Engine. I followed this tutorial:

Using this to create Jenkins server:

export PASSWORD=<password>
export PROJECT_ID=<project-id>

gcloud compute \
    instances create bitnami-jenkins \
    --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --image-project bitnami-launchpad \
    --image bitnami-jenkins-1-587-0-linux-debian-7-x86-64-image \
    --zone us-central1-a \
    --machine-type n1-standard-1 \
    --metadata "bitnami-base-password=${PASSWORD}" \
               "bitnami-default-user=user" \
               "bitnami-key=jenkins" \
               "bitnami-name=Jenkins" \
               "bitnami-version=1-587-0" \
               "bitnami-url=//" \
               "bitnami-description=Jenkins." \
               "startup-script-url=" \
    --scopes "" \
             "" \
             "" \
             "" \
    --tags "bitnami-launchpad"


Here's a picture of how Jenkins looks after a reboot:

enter image description here


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1 answer

We just released a change to the run script to fix this issue. The next time you restart the instance, your subordinates should be online.



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