Method overloaded value using alternatives: when calling Call.absoluteURL with request

Here is my code

  class AuthAction(callbackUri:String) extends ActionBuilder[UserRequest] with ActionRefiner[Request,UserRequest]{
    override def refine[A](request: Request[A]): Future[Either[Result,UserRequest[A]]] = {
      val redirectUri = routes.Application.callback(None, None).absoluteURL(request)
      getUser(request) match {
        case Some(user) => Future.successful(Right(new UserRequest(user,request))) 
        case _ => Future.successful(Left(oauthLogin(callbackUri,redirectUri)(request)))



When I try to compile this code, I get the following error

[error]   (secure: Boolean)(implicit request: play.api.mvc.RequestHeader)String <and>
[error]   (x$1: play.mvc.Http.Request)String
[error]  cannot be applied to (play.api.mvc.Request[A])
[error]       val redirectUri = routes.Application.callback(None, None).absoluteURL(request)


is it something to do with implicit parameters? What's going on here?


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1 answer

He wants play.mvc.Http.Request

and you are trying to move in play.api.mvc.Request

. They are incompatible.

Edit: To answer the question you ask in the comment ... Well, I'm not sure which parameter you are talking about. There are two variants of this function:

The one that seems like you are trying to call - absoluteURL(request: play.mvc.Http.Request)

- does not take any implicit parameters, it only needs the request

type you want .

The other - absoluteURL(secure: Boolean)(implicit request: play.api.mvc.RequestHeader)

- has an implicit parameter, which is also different from what you have ( RequestHeader

, not request


If you declare a variable containing this RequestHeader

as implicit

and it is in scope, you can call the last function without explicitly specifying it:

implicit val requestHeader = createMyRequestHeader()
routes.Application.callback(None, None).absoluteURL(true)


or you can still pass it explicitly, as if you were using a normal parameter (in which case you don't need to declare it implicitly):

routes.Application.callback(None, None).absoluteURL(true)(requestHeader)




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