Maven error: package does not exist

I can create my java project on my local machine, it works successfully using maven. However, when I build it on Jenkins machine, I get a compilation error:

javax.jms package does not exist

What does it mean? Where is he looking for javax.jms ? In the local m2 repo, classpath?

I had to make the following changes to my pom.xml to get it working on Linux:

a) Explicitly declared version of maven-site-plugin prior to 2.1. org.apache.maven.plugins maven-site-plugin 2.1           

b) Changed version of maven-surefire-plugin from 2.4.3 to 2.18.1 Maven-surefire-plugin 2.18.1

c) Added the following dependencies:







Why do I need to change pom.xml on Linux. The build works on my windows 7 machine without changing the pom.xml.


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1 answer

First try to check if you have the correct dependency for Maven to get packages javax.jms

. You can try Apache Geronimo

addiction or JavaEE API

. (Ref: What's the correct Maven dependency for javax.jms. * Classes? )

For Apache Geronimo



For JavaEE API



Also, make sure you are building your application for the Jenkins

following purposes:

mvn clean install


After building your application using Maven

on the machine, the Jenkins

package should appear in local m2 repo

to Jenkins




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