Difference between ContentValues ​​and HashMap?

What is the difference between ContentValues

and HashMap

? If there is a difference, what is the best analogy to describe it?


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2 answers

1) HashMap is a generic utility class which is in java.util ContentValues , on the other hand is a specific class in android.content designed to match Android classes like SQLiteDatabase and ContentResolver

Note. that they implement different interfaces according to the above notation:
- HashMap

implements Cloneable and Serializable
- ContentValues

implements Parcelable

2) ContentValues

has a member HashMap

with String


   private HashMap<String, Object> mValues


3) ContentValues

has a number of methods to get and enter typed values ​​(like getAsFloat (), etc.)

You can consider it ContentValues

as a wrapper HashMap

for storing typed values, usually along with Android SQLiteDatabase or ContentResolver .
What he



first look at the soruce code of the ContetntValue.java class in the following link


as you can see, this class has a Hash map variable (mValues), and almost all methods work with it. for example, when you create a ContentValue object, you call the ContentValue constructor, and in that const object of the mValue object is created, for example on line 52:

public ContentValues ​​(int size) {mValues ​​= new HashMap (size, 1.0f); }

or when you call the put method of the contentValue object as a whole, you put the value into a HashMap object (mValues), like line 95:

public void put (String key, String value) {mValues.put (key, value); }

so why use ContentValue ?! ContentValue has some useful methods that make it better for working with something like ContentResolver. One of the most important methods is writeToParcel ():

writeToParcel (Parcel parcel, int flags)

you can read about all these methods in the android doc:


hope this comment helps you and sorry for my bad english.



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